Day In-Day Out

Kiee Gipson the mindset of the Billion dollar boy

Episode Summary

Hello, my friends, my life warriors! How are we doing on this fine day, I hope good and well, if not I hope you have someone who can give you a helping hand. Today on the podcast I am very lucky to have Kiee Gipson who is a 24 owner of gipsonsconultingllc five years ago he left school having no clue what he wanted to do with his life. At the time his grade point average didn’t qualify him for any college and Kiee had no aim or goal to head to. He was lost and clueless, but a man by the name of Sherman brown took him into has arms with his roofing company as a salesman. Without a father figure in my life, Sherman showed him a direction in his life while working at his company. He picked up many skills during his time working with Sherman showed him how to greet people in a business setting and how to control meetings. Over time he moved on to become a inspection, in a company where I later got fired. He realize he was just a number at this organisation, he made one of the best investments of his life by investing in his first Airbnb three months before he was laid off. Kiee spent all of his energy on expanding his business on social media, he is now proud to say that he no longer works for money, now money works for him. We talked about many different things, how he got his first Airbnb, what life was like for him in the world of sales and what his plans are for the future. So please enjoy the podcast and stay safe, stay well, be awesome, and please take a moment to tell a friend and subscribe.

Episode Notes

Kiee Gipson





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