Day In-Day Out

Productivity Secrets: Conquering Procrastination and Balancing Life with Pat Shanahan

Episode Summary

Hello, friends my, life, warriors, I do hope you are having a great day today I am delighted to have Pat Sanaghan, a procrastination expert and a consultant. The conversation delves into Pat's experiences as a teacher, principal, consultant, and his journey to becoming a successful author. Pat describes his struggles with procrastination and how he developed various strategies to manage it. He shares tips like making progress visible, breaking tasks into chewable chunks, and assigning rewards for task completion.

Episode Notes

00:00 Introduction and Guest Presentation
00:45 Guest's Career Journey: From Teaching to Consultancy
04:00 Transition to Independent Consultancy
04:57 First Independent Consultancy Gig and University Experiences
08:32 Understanding Procrastination: Personal Experiences
09:39 Effective Strategies to Overcome Procrastination
16:59 The Importance of Asking for Help and Advice
23:42 The Role of Mentors and Accountability Partners
31:26 Learning from Personal Experiences and Growth
36:41 Understanding Procrastination and Its Impact
36:59 The Difference Between Laziness and Procrastination
37:40 The Role of Self-Compassion in Overcoming Procrastination
38:07 The Impact of Procrastination on Academic Performance
38:59 The Importance of Early Start and Regular Reminders
39:20 The Role of Guidelines and Perfection in Procrastination
41:31 The Importance of Resilience and Learning from Failures
42:54 The Role of Attitude and Persistence in Overcoming Procrastination
43:36 The Importance of Setting Fewer Goals and Giving More Time
01:05:13 The Power of Temptation Bundling in Overcoming Procrastination
01:06:43 The Importance of Seeking Help and Collaborating with Others
01:07:52 The Importance of Time Management and Avoiding Distractions
01:08:05 Setting Personal Goals and Targets
01:08:24 The Role of Habits and Routines in Overcoming Procrastination

Pat Sanaghan




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